英式发音:[ʌnˈpəʊləˌraɪzd] 美式发音:[ʌnˈpəʊləˌraɪzd]
1.Of special interest is to produce an uneven spin population out of an unpolarized source by means of various spin-related transport phenomena (relativistic spin-orbit interaction).
2.Of special interest is to produce an uneven spin population out of an unpolarized source by means of various spin-related transport phenomena (relativistic spin-orbit interaction).
3.To determine the optical parameters of turbid media with an unpolarized backscattering light, an oblique incidence geometry with the compound BP neural network has been designed.
4.To determine the optical parameters of turbid media with an unpolarized backscattering light an oblique incidence geometry with the compound bp neural network has been designed.
5.Suppose the distribution function of the parton in the polarized parton is connected with that of the unpolarized parton, and connection functions are constructed.
6.The results of experimental and theoretical study indicate that the unpolarized light from He-Ne laser is equivalent to circular polarized light.
7.The unpolarized light from a lamp would be concentrated by a reflector and directed to a polarizing beam splitter.