英式发音:[ˌspeʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃnz] 美式发音:[ˌspeʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃnz]
1.A split row with a blank cell: the new specializations are in addition to the more general element, which remains available in the specialized type.
2.Among the degree specializations in physics are condensed matter physics, high energy particle physics, engineering physics, and others.
3.For examples of specializations and topic-based processing with DITA information types, see Specializing topic types in DITA.
关于DITA信息类型专门化和基于主题处理的例子,请参阅Specializingtopictypesin DITA。
4.However, instead of packaging specializations of elements for topic content, you specialize elements for map content — typically the topicref.
6.Each domain provides a separate domain specialization entity to list the specializations that it provides for a base element.