英式发音:[ˈskeɪtə(r)] 美式发音:[ˈskeɪtə(r)]
figure skater花样滑冰运动员
n.skate 溜冰;冰鞋
skateboard 溜冰板
skating 溜冰,滑冰
skateboarder 滑溜冰板的人;滑板运动员
v.skating 滑冰(skate的ing形式)
vi.skate 滑冰;滑过
skateboard 用滑板滑行
1.Paul boasted that he was a good skater, but after he fell, he laughed on the other side of his face.
保罗吹嘘他溜冰溜得很棒,但跌了一跤后, 他却哭笑不得。
3.A typical exam question went something like this: an ice-skater weighs 150 pounds and is doing figure-eights on ice an inch thick.
4.Amputee trick skater and motivational speaker who skated across the u. s. on a prosthetic leg. includes photos and personal history.