英式发音:[ˈskuːltiːtʃə(r)] 美式发音:[ˈskuːltiːtʃə(r)]
n.schoolmaster 男校长;教导者;男教师
schoolman 学校教师;烦琐哲学家;教授
schoolmarm 女教师(等于schoolma’am);装出教师派头的人;女学究
schoolmistress 女教师;女校长
1.The best part of the story is that two years ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on Monty's ranch for a week.
2.Upon returning I happened to see the old retired schoolteacher, who lived across the street from us, waving at me.
3.In 2011, 31-year-old schoolteacher Ali Nunery passed away from a rare form of lung cancer, leaving behind her husband Ben and a 1-year-old daughter named Olivia.
4.The remarkable mystery object was discovered by Dutch schoolteacher Hanny van Arkel in 2007 while participating online in the Galaxy Zoo project.
这个神秘的天体,是荷兰教师汉尼(Hannyvan Arkel)在2007年参加一个在线天文学项目(Galaxy Zoo)时发现的。