英式发音:[ˈrændəmaɪzə] 美式发音:[ˈrændəmaɪzə]
1.The fourth chapter is this paper's emphasis , focuses on the byte processing part(outer code) module by module: data reverse transformer, de-randomizer, RS decoder, de-interleaver and synchronization.
2.The fourth chapter is this paper's emphasis , focuses on the byte processing part(outer code) module by module: data reverse transformer, de-randomizer, RS decoder, de-interleaver and synchronization.
3.Hit the randomizer button on your favorite web comic, engage in cube warfare with a co-worker, or check out a website that offers a "Joke of the Day" service.
4.What is likely is that if you use the randomizer, you'll hear a lot of startlingly excellent pop that you might never have come across otherwise.