1.However, in muonic hydrogen the Lamb shift is much more dependent on the proton radius because the much heavier muon spends more time very near to – and often within – the proton itself.
2.However, in muonic hydrogen the Lamb shift is much more dependent on the proton radius because the much heavier muon spends more time very near to – and often within – the proton itself.
3.Neutrinos are known to switch back and forth between their three observed types (electron, muon and tau neutrinos), and OPERA was originally designed to detect these shifts.
4.A discovery that neutrinos, virtually massless particles, convert into other forms known as muon and tau before they leave the sun, solving a 40-year-old mystery.
5.Then there are neutrinos, W and Z bosons, the electron-like muon and tau particles, and gluons—which hold quarks together in groups.
6.Several experimental results on solar neutrino missing and on atmospheric muon neutrino missing are described.
7.When it arrives, some of the muon neutrinos in it will have transformed themselves into electron neutrinos.