英式发音:[ˌmʌltɪˈpəʊlə(r)] 美式发音:[ˌmʌltɪˈpəʊlə(r)]
1.The world pattern appeared to be a complicated multipolar tendeney of development, since the Cold War, when the confrontation between, U.
冷战结束后 ,以美、苏为首的两极对峙局势被打破 ,世界格局呈现了多维发展趋势 ,纷繁复杂。
2.In this multipolar world, many issues such as nuclear proliferation, energy and climate change require a concert approach.
4.The world pattern appeared to be a complicated multipolar tendeney of development, since the Cold War, when the confrontation between, U.
冷战结束后 ,以美、苏为首的两极对峙局势被打破 ,世界格局呈现了多维发展趋势 ,纷繁复杂。