n. 市中心区;商业区和住宅区的中间地区
adj. 市中心区的;位于市中心区的
1.He drove around midtown, singing.
2.And inasmuch as I had to be in midtown at the crack of dawn for a CNN hit, I figured today was the day.
3.Now we were in Midtown, Saturday night, early April.
4.Some of the biggest financial firms left Wall Street for midtown Manhattan years ago.
5.As a trader, he had taken clients regularly to Del Frisco's, a steakhouse in Midtown Manhattan.
作为一名交易员,他经常在曼哈顿中城的牛排餐厅DelFrisco ' s招待自己的客户。
6.ATLANTA — Margaret Mitchell called her tiny ground-floor apartment here on Peachtree Street in midtown "the dump."
亚特兰大—— 玛格丽特·米歇尔将她在市中心桃树路的底层小公寓称为“垃圾堆”。