英式发音:[məˈlɪɡnɪti] 美式发音:[məˈlɪɡnɪti]
adj.malicious 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的
malignant [医] 恶性的;有害的;有恶意的
malign 恶意的,恶性的;有害的
adv.maliciously 有敌意地,恶意地
malignantly 怀恶意
n.malignant 保王党员;怀恶意的人
malice 恶意;怨恨;预谋
malignancy 恶性(肿瘤等);恶意
maliciousness 恶意
vt.malign 诽谤,污蔑;中伤,说坏话
1.The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out, praying, and ejaculating 'wicked' as he went.
2.The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out, praying, and ejaculating 'wicked' as he went.
3.The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating 'wicked' as he went.
4.Scorn, bitterness, unprovoked malignity, gratuitous desire of ill, ridicule of whatever was good and holy, all awoke, to tempt, even while they frightened him.
5.Scorn, bitterness, unprovoked malignity, gratuitous desire of ill, ridicule of whatever was good and holy, all awoke, to tempt, even while they frightened him.
6.Let every declamation turn upon the beauty of liberty and virtue, and the deformity, turpitude, and malignity of slavery and vice.