1.The little land remaining was what was left of the highest parts of some ancient land-mass that the Prang say was vast and rich in life and populated by a powerful race called the Obidan.
2.The little land remaining was what was left of the highest parts of some ancient land-mass that the Prang say was vast and rich in life and populated by a powerful race called the Obidan.
3.These rocks are believed to be the result of an asteroidal prang that happened many millions of years ago and left a crater 460km across, which dominates Vesta's southern hemisphere.
4.These rocks are believed to be the result of an asteroidal prang that happened many millions of years ago and left a crater 460km across, which dominates Vesta's southern hemisphere.
5.When the first Prang raids came from the northwestern area of Fal, the Maro of Rhew was formed as a safe haven from these terrible raiders traveling on winged beasts.