英式发音:[ˌpestɪˈlenʃ(ə)l] 美式发音:[ˌpestɪˈlenʃ(ə)l]
n.pest 害虫;有害之物;讨厌的人
pestilence 瘟疫(尤指鼠疫);有害的事物
pesthole 瘟疫区
1.'Aha!' said Uncle Vernon in a triumphant whisper. 'get out of that one, boy! As if we didn't know you get all your news from those pestilential birds!'
2.'Aha!' said Uncle Vernon in a triumphant whisper. 'get out of that one, boy! As if we didn't know you get all your news from those pestilential birds!'
3.As they report in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry research, the researchers found that several pestilential organisms were affected by the oil.
4.They first attacked the children, winding round their bodies and breathing their pestilential breath in their faces.