1.At that moment, Jenny's boyfriend kneeled down on one knee, took out a diamond ring, and said, "Will you marry me, Jenny?"
2.Some men kneeled down, made scoops of their two hands joined, and sipped, or tried to help women, who bent over their shoulders to sip, before the wine had all run out between their fingers.
3.He hummed a tune while he worked, and I kneeled on my chair witnessing the magical conversion of the shoebox and handing him the glue when he needed it.
4.I was so grateful that I could have kneeled before him and kissed his hands.
5.Most parents were very moved. One father wearing black previously wore a solemn look but the moment his daughter kneeled down, his face was covered with tears.
6.When Talbot started at MBTA three years ago, drivers pulled to the curb and lowered the bus — or kneeled — for disabled passengers about 25 percent of the time.