英式发音:[ˌdʒɪŋɡəʊˈɪstɪk] 美式发音:[ˌdʒɪŋɡəʊˈɪstɪk]
1.The music of the latter is Parry again (words by Blake), and it's a bit on the jingoistic side, but my mother-in-law really wanted it, and it ended up being fine.
2.The music of the latter is Parry again (words by Blake), and it's a bit on the jingoistic side, but my mother-in-law really wanted it, and it ended up being fine.
3.Some will, Shawcross has been called up the England squad which affords a player a certain amount of protection from the most jingoistic and snide journalists.
4.It is not a jingoistic call to arms. It mentions China only in passing, and it never explicitly addresses the reality that China has already become a big power.