英式发音:[ˈbreɪkdɑːns] 美式发音:[ˈbreɪkdɑːns]
1.The preparation for the journeys is being recorded in a feature-length documentary by an Irish-Ugandan film-maker, Emile Dineen, who helped set up the Breakdance Project.
他们参赛的历程将被乌干达籍爱尔兰制片人Emile Dineen拍成长篇记录片。 他也是霹雳舞这个项目的发起者。
2.The preparation for the journeys is being recorded in a feature-length documentary by an Irish-Ugandan film-maker, Emile Dineen, who helped set up the Breakdance Project.
他们参赛的历程将被乌干达籍爱尔兰制片人Emile Dineen拍成长篇记录片。 他也是霹雳舞这个项目的发起者。
3.There are four main aspects of hip hop: breakdance and graffiti art plus two types of hip hop music-dj-ing and rapping.