英式发音:[ˈbɔɪkɒts] 美式发音:[ˈbɔɪkɒts]
2.Protests over the past three years led in 2010 to five months of curfews, boycotts of shops, offices and schools-known as hartals-and stone-throwing by youngsters.
3.It has long memories of the damage done to the Olympic Games by the many boycotts of the Cold War era.
5.Both boycotts may well have been mistakes, though so crooked were the processes that affording them any degree of legitimacy would also have seemed repellent.
6.Boycotts to prevent a firm from entering a market or to disadvantage a competitor also are illegal.
7.REPORTER: Till's death pushed King and others to develop more unified strategies of protest. That included the bus boycotts and the lunch counter sit-ins across the south.