1.Might this man's company change mainstream commercial culture more than Yelp has?
3.But now their previously private data is showing up on Yelp, Pandora, and Spotify.
4.The popular recommendation service Yelp, for example, is already integrated into Google Maps.
例如,备受欢迎的推荐服务Yelp已经集成在Google Maps中。
5.The original incarnation of Fwix, launched a year ago, focused more on aggregating content from sites like Craigslist and Yelp instead of on local news.
Fwix的最初版本是一年前推出的,它专注于聚合来自Craigslist和Yelp 这类网站的内容,而不是本地新闻。
6.While I wait on the sidewalk for Raj to arrive, Ilaunch the Yelp app to look up the address of Alborz.