英式发音:[ˈliːfˌhɒpə(r)] 美式发音:[ˈliːfˌhɒpə(r)]
1.In Changli, there were 19 pests harming vine grape. The main pest were green canker worm, two-star leafhopper of grape, dorbeetle, wax cicada, acarus, hawkmoth, tiger moth, rust tick etc.
2.In Changli, there were 19 pests harming vine grape. The main pest were green canker worm, two-star leafhopper of grape, dorbeetle, wax cicada, acarus, hawkmoth, tiger moth, rust tick etc.
3.The natural enemies of SGL, especially its egg parasitoids, mymaridae, were plentiful and have an important potentiality for sustainable controlling the leafhopper.
4.Sticky traps for trapping and killing to have good result to the small insects, such as aphids, whitefly, Leafhopper, vegetable leaf miner, thrips, etc.
5.The laboratory and field experiments showed that the green leafhopper had a preference for yellow green and pale green.
6.Primary vectors for transmitting phytoplasma are insects feeding on the sap of phloem, such as leafhopper, and psylla.
7.Grape leafhopper, Erythroneura apicalis Nawa, is one of important pests in grape growth area in Xinjiang.