1.Now the problem of hydrological scale is one of the forward fields in hydrological science. In this paper, new method to analyze hydrological downscaling is discussed based on the chaos theory.
2.Now the problem of hydrological scale is one of the forward fields in hydrological science. In this paper, new method to analyze hydrological downscaling is discussed based on the chaos theory.
3.However, in some other countries including Russia, as will be discussed further down, donor-induced downscaling did not deliver microfinance services on the large scale that had been expected.
4.With the hindcasted predictors by general circulation models (GCMs), the downscaling model was used to hindcast July-August North China rainfall over 1991–2001.
5.This fitted the prediction that the downscaling slow-waves would be strongest in those parts of the brain where the most changes had taken place during the day.
6.In downscaling a probabilistic spatially or temporal ly explicit disaggregation of a heterogeneous variable can be constructed using a scalar.