don juann. 唐璜(西班牙传说人物);淫荡者;游手好闲者
don giovanni唐乔凡尼(莫扎特于1787年作的歌剧)
1.Other people turn stair-climbing into a serious sport, donning running clothes and shoes before they hit the steps.
2.As I gown up to spray my apple trees, donning face mask, hat and boots, I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'm thinking that, like Adam, I may be ready to bite.
3."I can't believe how cold it has been," said Abdullah, 28, donning a thick coat over his spotless robe.
4.That was my life at that moment, and though re-donning the veil was a fiction, it was a fiction filled with truth.
5.For those donning the suits for either the first, or the last time, remember, there are things you need to do to take full advantage of the suits.
6.I've always been girly —obsessed with dresses, sparkles, and the color pink, donning felt poodle skirts for Halloween and loving makeup.
7.'and take the Compleat Fortune-Teller to the outhouse,' Joan continued, rapidly wiping her hands, and donning the garments.