英式发音:[daɪˈɒkseɪn] 美式发音:[daɪˈɒkseɪn]
1.17 out of 28 products tested - 61 percent - contained both formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane.
28件被测产品中的17件- 61% -同时含有甲醛和1 4 -二恶烷。
3.In actual fact, you can easily discover dioxane in shampoo and hair care products that are within your reach.
4.The European Union has banned 1, 4-dioxane from cosmetic products. And formaldehyde is not allowed in cosmetics sold in Japan and Sweden.
欧盟已经禁止了在化妆用品中使用1,4 -二悪烷。而日本和瑞典也已禁止化妆品中含有甲醛。
5.California requires that products that contain more than 30 parts per million of 1, 4-dioxane carry a warning saying that the contents may cause cancer.
加利福尼亚州要求的产品中含有了超过百万分之30的1,4 -二恶烷是应该有警示说此产品中含有可能会引发癌症的物质。
6.It found between 1992-1997 that the dioxane level of some cosmetics was 79 parts per million and considered it safe for customers.
7.Dioxane has been frequently detected in river water, especially in ground water polluted by volatile halogenated hydrocarbons.