英式发音:[dɪˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] 美式发音:[dɪˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn]
1.“EGREGIOUS, outrageous, violated everything we stand for”: Don Graham’s denunciation of recent activities by some employees of his own firm is stark.
“太令人吃惊,太无耻,违反了我们所遵循的一切准则。” 道·格雷厄姆对公司部分员工最近所做所为的谴责可谓一针见血。
2.Could his public denunciation stem from the fear that China is somehow losing influence over Yao with his continual exposure to Western culture?
4.His public denunciation of the steel industry worked; the industry backed down and the antitrust investigation was called off.
5.That may explain his initial denunciation of Mr Cameron for inflaming extremism, and his subsequent recantation.
6.The rule of taking examples in Ma Shi Wen Tong has an object of public denunciation.