adj. 切成小方块的
v. 求……的立方;把(食物)切成小方块(cube 的过去式及过去分词)
1.I suggest you fry up some cubed seasoned potatoes and serve the chicks with those on the side.
2.10 cubed is 1 000.
10的立方是1 000。
3.Garnish with the cubed tomato, if using, and the cheese shavings.
4.And even if Casino wins, it will have poisoned the relationship with its co-proprietors and distracted everyone from the task of selling cubed pineapples and imported cheese to affluent Brazilians.
5.Some insist on using crushed ice or adding a shot of water, but in fact crushed ice doesn dilute the drink appreciably more or less than cubed.
6.It is the product of 7 squared times 11 cubed times 13 squared.
7.995 grams per centimeters cubed.
8.And even if Casino wins, it will have poisoned the relationship with its co-proprietors and distracted everyone from the task of selling cubed pineapples and imported cheese to affluent Brazilians.