1.It also accesses the database using an entity bean.
2.These third-party products record every IP that accesses the server.
3.The following is a common misunderstanding of how DB2 accesses and locks rows.
下面是关于DB 2如何访问和锁定行的一个常见误解。
4.They're sitting there in plain sight for anyone who accesses your database.
5.The application modeler accesses and imports class model version 1+ in RSA.
应用程序建模师在 RSA 中访问并导入类模型版本1+。
6.The application modeler accesses and imports the class model in RSA.
应用程序建模师在RS A中访问和导入类模型。
7.Another process that accesses this Shared memory will be using this name for the access.