英式发音:[ɪˈvəʊkɪŋ] 美式发音:[ɪˈvəʊkɪŋ]
1.Communication satellite systems have been quite a success in the past decades, evoking widespread attention to their future.
2.Well, , his poems themselves have an occult dimension of evoking this "great mind" and the spirits contained therein through symbols.
他的诗歌有玄秘的意境,能召唤“伟大的思想“,其中灵魂通过象征体现。 罕。
3.Evoking a strong emotional response from your users, be it positive or negative, is a sure-fire way of keeping them coming back for more.
4.We'll be evoking the cast of 'Family Guy' in some interesting ways that integrate the product messages.