n. 动物行为学家;(个体)生态学研究者
1."It's very important" to do studies like these "on socialized wolves, " adds Adam Miklosi, a cognitive ethologist at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.
匈牙利布达佩斯Eötvös Loránd大学的认知动物行为学家亚当•米克罗西认为多搞一些关注“社会化的狼”的研究“是很重要的”。
2."It's very important" to do studies like these "on socialized wolves, " adds Adam Miklosi, a cognitive ethologist at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.
匈牙利布达佩斯Eötvös Loránd大学的认知动物行为学家亚当•米克罗西认为多搞一些关注“社会化的狼”的研究“是很重要的”。
3."That is a clear difference between dogs and wolves, " says Marc Bekoff, a cognitive ethologist at the University of Colorado, Boulder.