adj.elfish 如小精灵的;好恶作剧的;小妖精的;顽皮的
2.Each section in the temporary ELF block is iterated, and those that need to be around for execution are copied into the new block.
3.As an ELF object, this file has a very specific structure that can be easily parsed and validated.
4."I don't know this word, " the elf squeeked while reading Patrick's homework. "Get me a dictionary.
6.The internal details of module loading are ELF module parsing and manipulation.
加载模块的内部细节是ELF 模块解析和操作。
7.The ELF module is then read from user space into the temporary memory using copy_from_user.
然后,通过 copy_from_user 函数将ELF模块从用户空间读入到临时内存。